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X-Ray Imaging

At Jordan River Health, we offer imaging services for all extremities and chest X-rays (PA view only). For all other areas of the body, imaging will need to be performed at a dedicated radiology facility. All our imaging is reported by a qualified radiologist, with results forwarded to your general practitioner. Please note that private patients will incur an out-of-pocket fee for imaging, utilising the AMX Navigate system. We have a wonderful team of Radiographers performing the Xray projections.

The Bone Bus

This bus is a mobile Bone Densitometry service and screens patients for osteoporosis and other conditions that weaken the bones. It can help patients understand their risk of breaking bones in the future. Women are at a higher risk for osteoporosis than men and the risk increases with age.

The Bone Bus visits in June every year. Please speak to our team about how you would book an appointment with the Bone Bus. The bus stays for four days when visiting Jordan River Heath.

It is important you are referred by a doctor. Please note that bone density scans emit a very low level of radiation which is part of the reason for a doctor writing the referral to be able to inform you of your risks.

The Breast Screen Bus

Breast Screen Tasmania offer a mobile service for women to be able to have access to a free breast screening service. Please ask our receptionist when the next bus will visit or phone 13 20 50. Patients can also visit the Breast screening website for the dates the bus will visit Jordan River Health.

Hobart Pathology

Monday – Friday 8:30 am–12:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Please note that Phlebotomist will only see patients 12 years and above at Jordan River Health. All children below 12 years are to use the Battery Point Pathology.

Physiotherapy with Adam Cornock

Adam offers a holistic, empowering and evidence based Physiotherapy service, that addresses your symptoms and the root cause of your issue, through accurate assessment, hands on treatment and exercise.

The Crawley Clinic

A psychology clinic that provides services at Jordan River Health.

Please see your doctor for a referral.

Chronic Disease

Our nurses at Jordan River Health are involved in Chronic Disease Management (CDM). The 5C’s in Chronic Disease Management are Control, Compliance, Complications, Counselling and Customisation.

A CDM is a comprehensive care plan that lists all of your health problems, what you aim to achieve, other health providers, medications, community services available to your condition(s) and other information about your health.

Once you have agreed to a CDM Plan your nurse and doctor will prepare the care plan for you. This will involve managing medications, access to your urgent care needs and support for managing appointments for your condition.

Patients who have at least one chronic medical condition or complex medical care needs are eligible for a care plan. A chronic disease condition is one that has been present for at least 6 months.

Examples of these conditions are:

  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • Heart disease
  • COPD Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Arthritis
  • Kidney Disease
  • Mental Health

With a care plan you may be entitled to 5 Medicare rebated Physio Appointments.

Advara HeartCare Echocardiograms

An echocardiogram (ECHO) is an ultrasound to examine the heart. Sound waves are used to create images of the heart, that can be difficult to image, as the heart is always beating. It shows blood flow through the heart and its valves. It can also look at the structure of the heart and its surrounding vessels to identify any abnormalities.

Women’s Health Clinic

Dr Karen Vaughan and Midwife Teagan Atkins have a special interest in health issues affecting women, from adolescence to menopause and beyond. They work together every Wednesday at Jordan River Health to provide a safe and comfortable space for women of all ages to address their health care needs.

Their services include:

  • Period Concerns
  • Contraceptive Guidance
  • Implanon Insertion and Removal
  • Mirena Insertion and Removal
  • Cervical Screening Testing
  • Fertility Advice and Concerns
  • Pregnancy Advice and Planning
  • Perimenopause and Menopause
  • Sexual Health

COVID-19 Vaccination

The Australian Government has committed to providing the COVID-19 vaccine for free for all
Australian citizens, permanent residents, refugees, asylum seekers and temporary visa-holders. JRH is fully committed to supporting the Australian Government and the public in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout by providing safe and convenient immunisation services to people aged 12 years and over.

All COVID-19 vaccines administered at JRH have been approved for use by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which assesses the safety, quality, and effectiveness of vaccines.

Please speak to our reception team if you would like more information or to make a booking to receive your free COVID-19 vaccine.

Iron Infusions

Iron is an essential nutrient, in which your body relies on to make haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. These red blood cells assist in transporting oxygen from your lungs, to the cells throughout your body via the bloodstream. When your body is iron deficient, your cells receive less oxygen, which can impact on your energy levels, concentration, immune system and mental state.

Iron deficiency is sometimes resolved through dietary changes or oral supplements, however, in some cases your doctor may decide that an iron infusion is required as it is more immediate in its effect, and also eliminates any problems with absorption by delivering the iron directly into the blood via an intravenous (IV) infusion.

Heart Health

Even though many heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle,heart disease still remains the leading cause of death in Australia. Since you can’t often feel the risk factors, like high blood pressure and cholesterol, mostpeople don’t often know their risk of developing heart disease.

A 20-minute Heart Health Check with your GP will help you understand your risk of a heart attack or stroke in the next 5 years, and work with you on a plan to decrease that risk. This may involve discussing ways to make heart-healthy changes to your lifestyle, sending referrals to programs or other health professionals for more support or further testing, or prescribing blood pressure or cholesterol lowering medications.

All people aged 45–79 years without known heart disease, people with diabetes aged 35-79 years, and First Nations people aged 30–79 years should all have, and are eligible for a Heart Health Check bulk billed by Medicare. Having a Heart Health Check is an important first step to protecting your heart. Talk to your GP about a Heart Health Check today.

Weight Management

Weight control is an important element in keeping healthy. It can really be like a tug-of-war and with the help of our General Practitioners we can help you get on the right path.

Diabetes Cycle of Care

Diabetes has a varied impact on your overall health, and it’s important to check in with your doctor at regular intervals to stay on top of things.

Without regular checks, diabetes can lead to health problems that can affect your whole body, including your kidneys, eyes, feet, nerves and heart.

The diabetes cycle of care is a checklist for reviewing your diabetes management and general health each year. Your doctor and chronic disease nurse will do this review to help you, and your diabetes health professionals manage your diabetes, and your risk of diabetes-related complications.

Mirena (IUD)

Mirena’s (IUD) are small contraceptive devices that are placed in the uterus (womb) to prevent pregnancy or assist with the management of heavy periods and period pain.

Mirena consultations, insertions and removals are available at JRH with Dr Angela Retchford who has a particular interest in women’s wealth, and holds a Diploma from The Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

At Jordan river Health, a Mirena insertion involves two or three appointments:

1. Assessment – Dr Ange will discuss the procedure and answer any questions, check your suitability, arrange any necessary tests and give you a prescription for your Mirena.

2. Insertion – Your appointment time will be for half an hour but the actual insertion only takes around 5 – 10 minutes.

3. Follow up – a follow-up appointment 6 weeks after the insertion is recommended.

When there is urgency, but it’s not an emergency.

The Medicare Urgent Care Clinic is a bulk-billed Medical Centre where Urgent conditions can be treated without it being an Emergency where the patient would then need to go to the hospital for Care.

medicare urgent care clinic